Credit: NASA

Credit: NASA

Windows on Earth is an educational project that features photographs taken by astronauts on the International Space Station.

Astronauts take hundreds of photos each day, for science research, education and public outreach. The photos are often dramatic, and help us all appreciate home planet Earth.

Windows on Earth also operates software on the International Space Station, as a window-side aide to help astronauts identify priority targets for photography.

Recently, nearly two dozen of these photos were selected for their artistic appeal, and displayed at Gallery Seven in Maynard, Massachusetts.

For a personal tour of the displayed images, go to:

Another web site provides free public access to virtually all of these photos, updated at least weekly.

That site is operated by TERC, an educational non-profit, in collaboration with the Association of Space Explorers (the professional association of flown astronauts and cosmonauts), the Virtual High School, and CASIS (Center for Advancement of Science in Space).

Also engaged is technical support from NASA’s Crew Earth Observation Program.

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