Left to right: Mike Massimino, Walt Cunningham, Senator Ted Cruz, and Buzz Aldrin.

Left to right: Mike Massimino, Walt Cunningham, Senator Ted Cruz, and Buzz Aldrin.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is the new chairman of the Senate Space, Science, and Competitiveness subcommittee.

Cruz hosted last week astronauts and space experts to address the committee and discuss the need to renew our space exploration programs.

“Space exploration has produced greater knowledge of the universe beyond and greater security of our interests at home, and I am committed to refocusing NASA on its core mission to do just that,” the lawmaker noted on his Senate website.

“America has always led the way on innovation and security, and we must reclaim that leadership,” Cruz said.

Critical time

Last Tuesday, Senator Cruz hosted a hearing with former astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Walt Cunningham, and Mike Massimino, and space experts John Elbon, Scott Pace, and Eric Stallmer.

“Just over a half century ago, President John F. Kennedy laid down a marker in my home city of Houston, Texas and made the commitment that like the great pioneers that came before us that we too would set sail on a new sea and send man to the moon. We embarked upon that endeavor as a nation because the opening vistas of space promised high costs and hardships, as well as high reward. Today we find ourselves at a similar crossroad. 2015 is just as critical of a time for our national and commercial space programs as was the case in 1962,” Sen. Cruz said.

To view the opening statement of Senator Cruz, go to:


One Response to “U.S. Space Program Future: Senator Cruz on the Crossroad”

  • Steve welch says:

    Blah, blah, blah, say the politicians… Yawn. The real news here is that Buzz is growing a beard! Cool! Hope you and Barb stay warm with all that snow, Leonard!


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