Credit: Orbital Systems

Credit: Orbital Systems


A design concept for future Mars missions has led to a system commercially suitable for Earthly water applications for non-potable use.

The “Shower of the Future” offered by Orbital Systems, a Swedish clean tech start-up, shares the same water purification technology that NASA uses in space.

This technology was spurred by a cooperative effort of the Habitation and Exploration Missions and Systems Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), together with the School of Industrial Design at Lund University in Sweden.

Space certified

The Space Foundation’s international Space Certification program announced today that it has “space certified” the new technology.

“Products and services that display the Space Certification seal are guaranteed to have stemmed from, or been dramatically improved by, technologies originally developed for space exploration or to have significant impact in teaching people about the value of space utilization,” according to The Space Foundation, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

This technology — setting a higher standard for domestic water consumption — began as an academic joint project between Mehrdad Mahdjoubi, Orbital Systems’ CEO and Founder, and NASA JSC in Houston.

The team is supported by an advisory board that includes Larry Toups, a NASA systems engineer, as well as designer and professor Claus-Christian Eckhardt and Skype founder Niklas Zennström, who is also an investor in the company.

Credit: Orbital Systems

Credit: Orbital Systems

Precious resources

“It’s Rocket Science,” explains the company’s website. “Inspired by an academic collaboration project with NASA, our technology applies the same principles you live by in space; that Earthly resources are precious and must be used in the most efficient way possible.”

According to Orbital Systems: “We are facing a very interesting future as our technology is breaking grounds and changing the way we humans relate to domestic water consumption. We aim to replace the inefficient and costly structures of today, with a cleaner, cheaper and more sustainable solution. Domestic water consumption, whether it’s drinkable water to secure living conditions or heated water for hygienic purposes, is a key factor for our future well-being.”


The company has assembled a “Frequently Asked Questions” list, starting off with: “What happens if I urinate in the Shower of the Future?”

To find out the answer and learn more about the “Shower of the Future,” go to:


Orbital Systems logo Credit: Orbital Systems

Orbital Systems logo
Credit: Orbital Systems


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