Image credit: Image credit: Kwa-Mbili Lodge/NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Mars Guy

A vein-filled slab of rock reconnoitered by NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover at Jezero Crater was already important evidence of water activity. 

“But now the team has revealed that it’s the strange spots in between the veins that make this the most important rock yet found in Jezero crater,” explains Mars Guy, also changing his own video and teaching spot to become Steve Ruff, an associate research professor and Arizona State University’s School Of Earth and Space Exploration.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Poster child

But examining the spots in labs back on Earth would be needed to definitively address the question of life on Mars being detected, Mars Guy concludes. “This is exactly the scenario that the Perseverance mission and Mars sample return was intended to address.”

“It’s just that no one imagined that a rock with organic matter and leopard spots would become the poster child for the entire endeavor,” Mars guy concludes.

Image credit: Mars Guy

Heady headline?

But remarks one viewer of this most recent episode of Mars Guy:

“Supposing they prove the spots are biological in origin, and we look back at this as potentially one of the greatest of all scientific discoveries, let it be known NASA went with the headline: ‘Scientists Find Intriguing Mars Rock.’”

Go to this new episode of Mars Guy at:

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