Space Vault #1
Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David


For more than six decades of reporting on and assessing global space activities I have amassed loads of paper, reports/documents, books, photos, and countless tape recordings of space experts (some now long-gone) – never mind years of swag that I have accumulated.

Wernher von Braun signed recording.
Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David

Signed von Braun recording.
Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David

This combined “collected works” now resides within a home office, but for the most part is parked within two large storage facilities that are packed and stacked!

Recently, I have begun the dreaded (but fun!) task of sorting through hundreds of boxes. It’s an onerous chore, a dusty, deep-dive into space history…right up to today.

All that said, and as a 1946 graduate of life, I am now engaged in organizing this compilation.

But wait a minute!

How many out there have taken on a similar task of treasure trove hunting and gathering?

Any ideas welcomed!

Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David

Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David

Image credit: Leonard & Barbara David

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