Axiom space station.
Credit: Axiom Space


Axiom Space is offering expeditions to space aboard the International Space Station (ISS)…and ultimately the Axiom commercial space station complex.

Ten-day missions are priced at $55 million with the first launch occurring in 2020. The price includes transportation to and from the ISS, everything necessary to live and enjoy the experience while on orbit, and a 15-week, transformational training experience.

Axiom Space is building the world’s first commercial space station. The Axiom commercial space station complex would be assembled while connected to ISS and separate upon the retirement of the ISS.

Axiom Space is headquartered in Houston, Texas and is led by Mr. Michael Suffredini, former Manager of NASA’s International Space Station program.

Axiom Station Crew Quarter View.
Credit: Axiom Space

Dream project

The new station habitation spaces, including the crew quarters, dining area and galley, are being designed in partnership with Philippe Starck, an architect and designer.

Axiom Station Cupola View.
Credit: Axiom Space

“This is a dream project for a creator like me with a genuine fascination for aviation and space exploration,” said Starck in a press statement. “The greatest human intelligence in the world focuses on space research. My vision for the Habitation Module on Axiom Station is to create a comfortable egg that is inviting with soft walls and a design perfectly in harmony with the values and movements of the human body in zero gravity.”


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