Image credit: CCTV/Inside Outer Space screengrab

China’s big Moon booster for supporting the country’s human exploration of the Moon is progressing.

A new report spotlights a three-stage hydrogen-oxygen engine designed to power a new generation rocket capable of sending astronauts to the Moon.

Testing at China’s first vertical high-altitude simulation stand for rocket engines has verified the reliability of the engine according to China Central Television (CCTV).

Image credit: CCTV/Inside Outer Space screengrab

Longest test time

The stand has been developed and constructed by the Institute 101 of the Sixth Academy of the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

According to CCTV, this test rig can simulate high-altitude conditions for engines in a vacuum environment below one kilopascal and sustain high-altitude simulation tests for thousands of seconds.

That’s the longest test time for the engine using liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as propellants in the world, CCTV adds. “The successful test will provide strong support for the smooth implementation of China’s manned lunar exploration program.”

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