Technosearch is a new-web-based tool that includes all published Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) listen and look-sees from 1960 until the present.
The tool also allows users to submit their own searches and keep the database current.

Jill Tarter, Director, Center of SETI Research and the Bernard M. Oliver Chair for SETI.
Credit: SETI Institute
Keeping it current
Jill Tarter, SETI pioneer and co-founder of the SETI Institute, has launched Technosearch: “I started keeping this search archive when I was a graduate student. Some of the original papers were presented at conferences, or appear in obscure journals that are difficult for newcomers to the SETI field to access. I’m delighted that we now have a tool that can be used by the entire community and a methodology for keeping it current.”
Tarter developed Technosearch in collaboration with former Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) interns, graduate students working with Professor Jason Wright at Penn State University and Andrew Garcia, SETI Institute 2018 REU student.

Frank Drake, center, with his colleagues, Optical SETI (OSETI) Principal Investigator Shelley Wright and Rem Stone with the 40-inch Nickel telescope at Lick Observatory in California. Outfitted with the OSETI instrument, the silver rectangular instrument package protrudes from the bottom of the telescope, plus computers, etc.
Credit: Laurie Hatch Photography, used with permission
Tracking information
One significant challenge for the SETI community has been keeping track of the hundreds of searches that have already been conducted. Technosearch should address this problem.
Technosearch tracks information including:
* Title of the search paper
* Name(s) of observers
* Search date
* Objects observed
* Facility where the search was conducted
* Size and sensitivity of the telescope used
* Resolving power of the instrument
* Time spent observing each object
* A link to the original published research paper
* Comments that explain the search strategy
* Observer notes
Technosearch includes sections for both radio and optical SETI. Currently this tool holds 102 Radio searches and 38 Optical searches, for a total of 140 different explorations.

Frank Drake with cosmic equation to gauge the presence of intelligent life in the cosmos. The Drake Equation identifies specific factors believed to play a role in the development of civilizations in our galaxy.
Credit: SETI Institute
Technosearch will be maintained by the SETI Institute at:
Also, go to this informative list containing the SETI searches looking for signals in the Radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This list contains the first SETI observations written in the 1960s up to present day searches being conducted by teams all over the world. To see the bibliographic information, click on the title of the search you’re interested in.
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